Saturday, October 16, 2010

Field Trip Criteria

  • No fighting
  • No vandalism
  • No more than 2 "F's" at semester
  • No bullying
  • No more than 5 dress code offenses
  • No more than 3 write-ups from teachers per semester 
  • No suspensions
     This year the teachers of the UNM Lobos would like to take an end of the year field trip  to acknowledge those students who worked hard over year. However, funds are low so we are asking all UNM Lobos to bring $10 by winter break to Mrs. Quintana-Martinez their NM History teacher. This will pay for buses, any left over money will be used towards their trip, however, they may still have to  pay for admission  to where  ever we decide to take them.
      If they are on the uninvited list the money does not get refunded!

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